4 Reasons to Choose Slate Tiles for Outdoor Paving

There's plenty to think about when you're trying to choose between outdoor flooring options. Everything from durability to weather-resistance needs to be considered, and you'll find each option has its own pros and cons. 

That said, many homeowners will find that slate paving is the best option to fit their needs, and here are just four reasons why.

1. Strength

It's always going to be essential to consider the relative strength of different materials when you're exploring flooring options, but this is particularly important when choosing outdoor paving. Outdoor flooring will generally need to put up with more stress and strain than indoor flooring, which is one reason why slate is such a popular option. Its exceptional durability ensures your flooring will be resistant to chips, cracks, scratches, and other types of damage. Whether you're moving around outdoor furniture or frequently walking across it in heavy outdoor shoes, slate flooring should prove extremely resistant to damage.

2. Water Resistance

You'll often see slate flooring used in bathrooms and kitchens since it is extremely resistant to water. Naturally enough, this is also an important factor when you're placing slate flooring outdoors. Whether they come from humid days or heavy rainfall, high moisture levels can penetrate some flooring options, which can result in significant damage. However, this shouldn't be a problem with slate paving. As an added plus, that same resistance to moisture also means slate is very hard to stain.

3. Versatile Texture

Every slate tile is a little different, so you have the freedom to choose the best ones to fit your needs. Texture is particularly versatile, and that's ideal for outdoor uses. While you can choose slate tiles that are nice and smooth, you can also opt for a slightly rougher surface. That surface will provide excellent traction in all types of weather, which makes it particularly attractive for walkways and steps. While other types of natural stone can often become slippery when wet, slate can provide firm footing.

4. Colour Combinations

Slate isn't just versatile in terms of texture. You can also choose from a wide range of colours. Different solid colours and colour combinations will be available, so you'll be able to create something that complements your outdoor space and matches your own sense of style. Since every piece of slate will be slightly different from the next, you'll end up with completely unique outdoor flooring that cannot be matched by synthetic options.

Contact an outdoor stone paver supplier to learn more.
